Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Excuse me Officer

Last night when I arrived home from work there were cops outside the gates of the community where I live. I could see a light pole was knocked over and a car was being towed away. When I got to my house I found 2 very handsome, very large, police officers going through my house. All the lights were off and they were using flashlights, very creepy. They met me outside the front door and started to question me- "what is your name, do you know K** M*******?". They told me that apparently (I don't think they believed me when I said I didn't know the name) she was using my address for some kind of prescription fraud she was running. She was using my address and different alais's to get drugs from the local pharmacies. She was denied at the pharmacy right around the corner because she was clearly under the influence and the pharmacist didn't feel right about filling the script. The lady apparently left very angry and got behind the wheel of a car in which she had left her sleeping child. I assured them I didn't even have prescription drugs in my house and I don't associate with people who abuse them. One of the officers said to me "Well, this is 1963 San Tropez, isn't it?". "No" I responded, "This is 1963 Majorca".
Just a simple mix-up, they should have been on the other side of the complex. Not really a big deal, I don't have anything to hide. My question- Was it legal for them to just enter and go through my house? Why the hell didn't they do the dishes?


Christine said...

Yikes! I would be one pissed off woman! I would bet if you wanted to push the issue you would have legal ground to stand on, but I'm no expert. Gee, officer, learn to read the street signs!

pinkme said...

Ha,Ha,Ha. I think that is why they left so quickly, felt like dumbyheads! I found out today that the lady they were looking for hit the street pole and left the scene. The child was in the car at the time. I would like to find her and smack her in the head!

Glitzy said...

"To protect and to serve"


Literacy isn't required, apparently. Would have been interesting if you had gotten their badge numbers and the name of their superior!