Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Isn't it a swell day, Wally?

Today I feel like Beaver Cleaver! I am not sure why or how, I just do!
The doctor gave me a prescription for muscle relaxers and sent me home to lie down. I refuse to take muscle relaxers because they make me feel like a pile of useless mush. About midnight I woke up in horrible pain. I got up and rummaged through my purse, found the prescription, and headed to the all night pharmacy. I got the pills and took one while I was sitting in the car.
Bad idea. I feel like my hair has teeth. I actually tried to put mascara on my lips this morning! While I was making copies this morning I actually fell over. I was just standing there waiting for page 10 and…plop, right on the file cabinet. It hurt my back and I think I may have injured my prostate!
This is exactly why I don’t take medication like this. It is not….OH WALLY, YAHOO, WALLY…I can’t…WAIT WALLY…what do you mean you’re not Wally?

1 comment:

tobynkatie said...

Niiiiiiiice! Muscle relaxers are not to be taken if you have anything of importance to all! LOL! I hope that you feel better and you didn't hurt anything! Back pains SUCK! Get well soon! :)