Friday, April 15, 2005

The royal family

Family jewels, they need some, set in nice big tiaras. My ex and his family are such drama queens. Newest drama, in short form:

Ex talked to Nick online the other night and accused him of having a website with links to “kiddie porn” and drugs (he said the girls were around 5-10 yrs old). Nick was freaked out, denied the accusations and asked where he found this website. His dad said that he had hacked into the site and deleted it. He told Nick he was going to end up in “juvie” and he better get his shit together. He threatened to send uncle S down to straighten him out. He then told Nick that his house is wired with cameras that record what he says and does while he is visiting them. More freakishness occurs and Nick is reduced to tears. He pleads his innocence and his dad logs out and has not spoken to him in a week.

Last night at about 8:30 I get a call from uncle S. He is coming down (no, he didn’t ask, he told me) to spend some time with the boys. He said he would like to spend the night. I didn’t know what to say, so…he is on his way. He will be at my house at 1:00 today.

Now a couple of things really bug me about this situation:

*The ex and I are the adults and parents, why didn’t he call me and ask me if I was aware of Nick’s Internet site. I am on his computer daily, I check everywhere he has been and I archive all of his chats. He knows this. I have not found anything other than inappropriate language.

*I also know that Nick is not into “little girls”, he is more of a Pamela Anderson boy. I also talk to Nick about any concerns I have. His dad can’t seem to pick up the phone, everything is done online.

*He accuses his son of doing awful things and then logs out, leaving Nick feeling awful and confused.

*Uncle S will be at my house when I am not home. He is also my ex’s brother and going to be sleeping on my couch. I know he is coming to check things out and that makes me mad.

This is such a weird situation. I wonder how long it is going to take them to get over the drama and just try to be good parents? They seem to be so hell bent on finding something wrong that they are destroying their relationship with their kids.

Oh, I just don’t have the energy for this!
I hope the maid remembers to roll out the red carpet.


Bella said...

Holy crap, what are they, the freakin mafia or something? That's scary. If my ex's family ever did that to's to naughty to mention.

Jay said...

You should be wary of this guy. You DO NOT have to let him in, and if you do, I would not leave him alone with the kids under any circumstances.

Also, your ex is not a fit parent. You should be keeping a record of all these online chats he has, make note of all the threats, date it, and you can possibly have his visitation rights altered by a judge. He does sound emotionally abusive (not just my professional opinion, but also in my experience) and your poor son should not have to deal with that.

Puck said...

Your ex is exhibiting typical Boderline traits (false accusations, playing Nick against you, cutting off communication in order to prevent defense, etc.) - a typical con. Ugly thing is, he has his new wife helping to provide a united front for his manipulation.

I agree with Pale Ale. You could certainly deny his access to your sons.