Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Nick's first day of school

Nick's first day of high school. It was not the best morning, his shoes didn't fit right, he wouldn't eat breakfast... he did smile for me though!

Devon's first day back at school

Devon's first day of 6th grade. I can't believe it is his last year of elementary school!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

No title cause I'm brain dead

Devon is finally back in school and Nick starts on Wednesday. It feels really good to be back to our old routine. Nick had high school orientation last week and I was a little freaked out that I couldn’t attend (he was just fine with that). I can’t believe that he is in high school. It seems like I just graduated!
He is really growing up and the surprises never end. Friday he called me at work to ask if he could go to the beach with his friend J. He has talked quite a bit about J but I have never met him. I am a little weary about letting him “hang out” with kids I don’t know and he knows that. He promised (please mom, please, I promise) to bring J by the house for a while when I got home, so I could meet him. About 3:30 he called to tell me the waves were “blown out” and they were now back at the house waiting for me. This troubled me a bit. I had visions of them going through my underwear drawer or the liquor cabinet. Anyway, I arrived home to find them watching T.V. and behaving themselves quite nicely. I must admit though, they were quite the sight: Nick, with his long shaggy hair, wearing his board shorts and sporting two very red swollen nipples (he refuses to wear a rash guard when surfing). His friend, J, sporting an equally red Mohawk, and wearing tight pants, Dead Kennedy’s shirt and girls pink and purple stripped socks. I tried my best not to laugh when I saw they were watching Full House! J was a nice kid, odd but polite and interesting to say the least. On one hand I am proud of Nick for being friends with so many different kinds of kids. On the other hand I am worried about the different kinds of kids.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


How do you find out a persons IP address? Someone keeps leaving me nasty messages. How do you find out what a person is searching for when they come upon your site? I get hits from someone using "Ask Jeeves" and I would be interested to know what they were looking for. Just wondering! Since I have no life now I have to do something to amuse myself:)

Monday, August 22, 2005

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Excuse me, are you hiding a penis under that skirt?

Last night I picked the boys up at LAX. While I was waiting I used the restroom. When I entered it appeared to be vacant. Then I noticed a pair of shoes under one of the stall doors. The thing was, these shoes were facing the wrong way (you know, facing the toliet). I just figured that she had a toddler in with her. After I sat down I noticed how quite it was, the only sound was tinkling. Hmmmm, no funny little pee pee songs, no grunting, nothing you would associate with toddler tinkle. Then I heard the toliet flush so I leaned over and watched the pair of shoes walk out of the stall- sans child. I finished my business really fast and opened the stall door expecting to see some odd he-she person. The stall door she was in was open and the seat was up. Creepy! As I rounded the corner I was greeted with...
A LADY!! A normal looking lady.

I can't figure it out. She clearly pissed standing up but she didn't appear to be stradling the bowl.

Of course she probably thought I was pretty amazing too. It probably looked like I was wizzing while standing on my head!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Stupid thought Thursday

Ever have one of those “I CAN NOT BELIEVE I ACTUALLY SAID THAT” moments? Well I had one, only different. It was a “I CAN NOT BELIEVE I ACTUALLY THOUGHT THAT”, and I am still embarrassed. Now really, should I be embarrassed if it was only in my head? Yes, cause I am about to share it with the world (well, the 3 of you that read my blog).

Across from my house are sand dunes. For some reason they are putting up chain link fencing around the dunes (I pray it’s not because they are going to develop it). As I drove by this morning the guys were out digging holes for the fence posts and I thought…
Boy, I bet they wish they had Clark Kent working with them.
Maybe to much Smallville!?

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

My sister and her husband picked me up at the airport in Kalispell. Her husband is use to our wild greetings but the man next to them actually ran to get out of the way.

More Montana

The newlyweds!

And the bride wore...

Cowboy boots!

My cousin S and her fiancĂ© got married this weekend. It was everything you would think a Montana wedding would be. It was outside, among the trees on top of a mountain. It was actually very nice, except for the stupid flies. The reception was a huge BBQ complete with an awesome Blue Grass Band. The guests were a mixture of young hippies and cow-folk. It was an interesting evening to say the least. We had champagne and huckleberry pie in place of wedding cake. The bride and groom danced to some “boot stomping” tune. There was a fun and LOUD time had by all.

Only in L.A.

this sign is seen by all traveling to Los Angeles airport. Classy, huh?!

Monday, August 08, 2005

I'm here... Where?

My flight leaving Kalispell yesterday was delayed 4 hrs. Of course, I missed my connecting flight in Seattle. I didn't get home until 4:00 am and had to be at work at 8:00 am. I am noooo goood today.

Friday, August 05, 2005


July was a busy month for me.
I have been to Canada and back,
To Vegas and back,
And now I am off to Montana.

I've had my heart broken
I have broke the bank
All I can say is, I better not break anything this weekend!

I can't wait for the kids to come home so I can finally rest.

What I don't understand...

Adults with stuffed animals on the dash/back window of their cars!

Arriving in style

I took this picture the week before the boys left for their Dad's house. Devon and I were waiting for Nick at the beach. He arrived shoeless and riding his skateboard and I couldn't resist taking his picture. What a beach bum!

Thursday, August 04, 2005


In a little over a week, it will be my birthday, my 35th birthday. I am feeling pretty down about it. It’s not so much the “age thing”, but where I am in my life. I know, I know, it could be worse. When you are young, you have this fairy tale idea of what your life will be like when you are older. I always thought by the time I was 30, I would be living on a farm somewhere in Washington/Oregon, raising 3 kids w/ my husband, have lots of farm animals, and be working part-time as a nurse or forensic scientist.
I am going to be 35, living on the beach in So. California, raising 2 kids alone, have a bird, a fish, and I’m working 2 jobs as a bookkeeper. Not a horrible life, but completely different than what I had planned.
I don’t know why this has gotten me so down, but it has and I can’t shake it.
Well, actually-I CAN shake it, and there is a lot to shake!