Monday, October 10, 2005

So, I'm the grossest mom alive...

You wanna make something of it!!
Last weekend we got a new kitten. She is very small and like most kittens she has worms. She was de-wormed but apparently (we found out last night) she needs another dose of medicine. She was curled up in my lap, sleeping like a baby, when all of the sudden I felt something cold and wet on my leg. I figured that she had poop on her hind feet. As I was looking, Nick looked over too. He said, “Mom, she has slimy poop coming out of her butt!” Being the drama king that he is, he started yuck, yuck, yucking and hopping around the living room. I picked the kitten up, grabbed a Kleenex, and pulled the worm out. I walked to the bathroom and flushed it down the toilet- problem solved! Nick was completely horrified! He thought I was the grossest human alive. He couldn’t believe I would just pull it off and go on with my evening like… like the cat didn’t just have a worm crawling out its butt! “What? I’ve seen worse.” I told him. “I used to change your diapers and I worked at a nursing home for 3 years.” Yeah, I’ve seen much worse. He totally avoided the poor kitten all night long and kept giving me the evil, grossed-out eye. Its not like I didn’t wash my hands, come on.

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