As of last night at about 3:10 am, I am dating Brad Pitt. Ever since the whole break-up thing with Jennifer I have been rather disgusted with him. At first I didn't want anything to do with him but his smooth talking finally wore me down. He even gave me his Bank of America debit card to use whenever I need money. He is very sexy, sweet and extremely generous. The best part is I guess he likes fat, pregnant gals.
I have been watching a lot of "The Baby Story" on TLC. I have learned a few things that will come in handy when the time comes.
- Have my armpits waxed
- Wear clear deodorant
- Sleep with makeup on
I have watched several episodes were the mothers were taken to the hospital in the middle of the night with no makeup on, hairy armpits and big white clumps of deodorant under their arms. Oh yeah, a pedicure wouldn't hurt either. I'm hoping to give birth looking like Ms. America. What? Its possible!!!
I found out I am having another boy! I love boys so that makes me soo happy. I am getting excited about bugs and dirt and all the fun little boy things.
That is about it for now. I'm off to see who wants to hire a pregnant lady!